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Churches, baptisteries

Reggio Emilia


Romanesque construction built around 857; in the XV century the style of the cathedral was adapted to the architectural canons of the time.

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The Church of Saint John the Baptist is located in Piazza Prampolini, in the town centre, and its original foundation dates back to 1040 or 1049. The building is characterized by a Latin cross layout, at the centre of which you can find the baptismal font.

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San Prospero Church

Ancient church consecrated in 997 and dedicated to Bishop Prospero, proclaimed Holy Protector of the town. It was completely rebuilt in the XVI century; the façade dates back to the XVI century.

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Basilica of the Blessed Ghiara Virgin

The church is dedicated to the "Blessed Ghiara Virgin", after Marchino's miracle occurred in 1596.

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Church of Santo Stefano

The second half of the XI century is the probable period of construction of the primitive Chruch of Santo Stefano

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San Pietro Church

In a document of 1140, with which archbishop Gualterio confirms to the Canons the Cathedral of Reggio Emilia, it is possible to read that the San Pietro Church was located in the town suburbs, towards Modena (also named after SS. Pietro and Prospero).

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Sant' Agostino Church

It's an ancient church founded in VIII Century and renovated several times during the centuries. It houses one of the three paintings by Guercino, famous painter from Ferrara, present in town.

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Saints Girolamo and Vitale Church

The church dedicated to the Saints Girolamo and Vitale, a fine example of late Baroque design, is certainly worth visiting.

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San Filippo Neri Church

It was built in 1672 and consecrated in 1743.

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San Giorgio Church

The current building dates back to 1638 when it was decided to restore the old building whose origin dates back to 1146.

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San Giovanni Evangelista Church

Located in the small piazzetta di San Giovanni, is the church of the same name – more commonly known by its diminutive “San Giovannino”, with a stern façade in terracotta.

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"Del Cristo" Church

Built as an oratory and subsequently transformed during the 18th century into a typical baroque church.

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San Spiridione Oratory

It's an oratory of the XVIII Century located in the heart of the historical centre

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Saints Carlo and Agata Church

Currently deconsecrated, the church is frequently used for exhibitions and art performances.

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Beata Vergine di Lourdes Church

Old parish church in Neoclassical style, remodelled in the 12th century (Parish Church of Montericco).

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Bagnolo in Piano


Parish Church of Bibbiano

The church is dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul.

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Basilica Minore di San Marco Evangelista

This magnificent construction dominates the course of the Po river with its 45 metre-high-cupola.

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San Rocco Church

It was built outside the village, in the early XVII century, following the spreading of infectious plague.

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Church of Santa Croce

Today’s church of Santa Croce is built on the spot where, around the year 1700, there used to be a Franciscan cloister with annexed cemetery.

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Santa Maria Maggiore and San Genesio Parish Church

The parish church, dedicated to the nativity of St. Mary, was erected in 1837 according to a design by Luigi Groppi.

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Cadelbosco di Sopra

San Celestino Parish Church

Characterized by a late-baroque façade, and its interior is divided into three aisles with vaulted ceiling.

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Church of Santa Giustina and San Cipriano

The church of the "suburb" Villa Argine, dates back to fifteenth century, and was later re-built. Porticoes on the outside and frescos in the inside are of major interest.

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Santissima Annunziata Church

The curch has been submitted only to few changes since its building, which took place in 1513.

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San Bernardino Church

It is mentioned in documents of year 1466, and the origins of this church are probably not older than that period, with very simple structure as today.

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Campagnola Emilia



"'Santa Maria Assunta'' Parish Church

The Parish Church, dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta, dates back to the XVII century and was built on the very ancient Parish Church of the X century.

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San Valentino Parish Church

The church has three naves, divided by ancient columns with Romanesque-Matildic capitals, three apses and five altars.

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Castelnovo di Sotto

Church of S. Andrea Apostolo

The construction of an oratory dedicated to the Apostle St. Andrew may be attributable to the Lombards.

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Beata Vergine della Misericordia Church

Building of the new oratory started in 1555 by the Confraternità della Misericordia (the Confraternity of the Blessed Virgin of Mercy, founded in Castelnovo in 1270).

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San Terenziano Church

The church is of Romanesque origin and was reconstructed by Francesco Pacchioni in the 17th century.

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Basilica of Saints Quirino and Michele

The Basilica was built on the area of the old moat between 1516 and 1587. The devotion of the Correggio populace for the cult of San Quirino, Patron Saint of the town, dates very far back in time.

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Church of Santa Chiara

Built in 1666 in the Borrominian style, the church faces onto piazzetta delle Suore and can be visited.

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S. Maria della Misericordia Church

Next to the street running along the Borgovecchio district, the origin of the church is linked to the activity of a confraternity already present in Correggio in 1316.

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Church of Madonna della Rosa

Prince Siro had erected it in 1626. It is not possible to visit it.

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Church of San Francesco

It is one of the oldest and most interesting monuments; it was built between 1467 and 1485.

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Church of San Giuseppe

In 1567 the Dominicans began the construction of the church and the adjacent convent within the town walls.

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Parish Church of Santa Maria Assunta

The first mention of the parish church of Fabbrico dates to 772, included on a list of various holdings and churches that King Desiderio assigned in donation to his sister Anselperga.

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Santa Maria della Neve Parish Church

The church is located in Piazza Bentivoglio in the town centre of Gualtieri and the façade is north-facing.

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Church of Santa Vittoria Vergine

It was built on the ruins of the primitive construction of the late 1500s which was desired first by Cornelio Bentivoglio and then by Ippolito Bentivoglio to sanctify a victory over the French by the papal militia of Pope Julius II.

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Church of the Santissima Annunziata - Pieve Saliceto

The church is in the Baroque style, though its sober appearance also shows a Renaissance imprint.

Church of the Santissima Annunziata - Pieve Saliceto - Read More…

Church of Sant'Andrea

Erected in the 11th century as a simple chapel, the church became a parish church in the 12th century.

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The cathedral is dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul. The ruler Cesare Gonzaga had it built in the 16th century, based on a design by Volterra.

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Basilica della Pieve

First papers about Guastalla date back to the ninth century, and concern a donation made by queen Angliberga to nuns' cloister of S.Sisto in Piacenza.

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Parish Church of San Giorgio

Based on a Baroque design, the church of San Giorgio still retains the original apse and a number of Romanesque features.

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Montecchio Emilia

San Donnino Parish Church

The church (XI century, re-built in the XVI and XVII centuries) is arranged in three naves following style from Tuscany.

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Santo Stefano Collegiate Church

The church was originally intended to be imposing and lavishly decorated. The first construction design had an east-facing apse, in the manner of ancient churches.

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S. Stefano Church

Parish Church built in the 11th century.

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Church of San Giacomo

Built approximately in year 1100. The church is dedicated to San Giacomo Maggiore.

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Quattro Castella

Church of Madonna della Battaglia

In 1528 news spread of some miracles having taken place on the site where a little old church once stood.

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Church of Santa Maria Assunta

Santa Maria Assunta, the parish church of Reggiolo, was built between 1855 and 1858 and is the religious masterpiece of the Modena-born architect Cesare Costa, who also designed the Municipal Theatre of Reggio Emilia.

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Rio Saliceto

Church of San Giorgio

The church has very early origins and was reconstructed in Neoclassical style in 1879. The façade has three portals and round windows. The bell tower is 36 metres tall.

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Church of San Zenone

This was originally a parish church dedicated to St. Zeno.

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Annunziata Church

Oratory of the XVIII century, it was buitl at expenses of SS.Annunziata Brotherhood.

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Romanesque Parish Church of Saints Faustino and Giovita

One of the oldest Romanesque parish churches in the diocese, mentioned in a document dated 945.

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Church of S. Agata a Casale

House of worship that dates to the 16th century.

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Parish Church

A house of worship built in the 18th century and restructured in the early 1900s.

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San Martino in Rio

Parish and Collegiate Church of San Martino Vescovo

The Parish Church is located in the heart of the city centre overlooking a large square together with the Rocca Estense (Estense Castle) and the old “Casa Pretoria” Municipal Hall.

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Church of San Carlo Borromeo

The Church of San Carlo, built at the same time as the Monastery of the Capuchin Monks by the wishes of the Marquis Carlo Filiberto of the House of Este San Martino, was opened to worship in 1618 with a solemn consecration ceremony.

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San Polo d'Enza

Parish Church of Saints Pietro and Paolo

The parish church is located approximately 1 km north of the village of San Polo, in the lowland area of the district.

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Church of San Giovanni Battista

The oratory of San Giovanni Battista (St. John the Baptist), now a parish church, was built inside the castle complex in 1494.

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Sant'Ilario d'Enza

Church of Sant'Eulalia

Although the date of construction of the original church is not known exactly, we know it already existed in 1220, since that is the date when it was first mentioned in the ecumenical register of Pope Onorio III.

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Church of Santa Maria Vergine

Dedicated originally to the Virgin Mary and subsequently to Our Lady of the Assumption, the church is mentioned among those existing in the province in the year 1000.

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Church of the Cappuccini

In 1622, the Marquis Ottavio Thiene donated four biolche of land to the Capuchin friars to be used for building a church dedicated to St. Anthony of Padua with adjacent monastery.

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Pieve di Santa Maria

The parish church, named after the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, has a tripartite façade surmounted by a large curved pediment.

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San Giuseppe Church

The church was built in the first half of the 16th century outside the castle walls on the site of a small chapel officiated by the Confraternity of San Giuseppe.

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San Ruffino Church

In 944 the "ecclesiam san Rufini positiam in loco Ventuso" was named.

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Church of Iano

The church is dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin. The facade has a sloping roof with pilaster strips in the corners and upper pediment.

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Church of Pratissolo

Mentioned in a document of 1288 as being under the governance of the parish church of Fogliano, in the early 1500s it was joined to the Consortium of the Priests of Scandiano.

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Church of St. John the Baptist

The church of St. John the Baptist is situated on the right bank of the Tresinaro river, behind the moat of the old castle.

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Church of Ventoso

Situated a short distance from the Torricella castle, the church is dedicated to Our Lady of the Assumption and dates to the year 912, mentioned in an act by Berengario.

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Church of San Giacomo Maggiore

The church dedicated to San Giacomo Maggiore was first mentioned in 1302 as one of the chapels dependent on the Parish Church of Castellarano.

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Church of Fellegara

The original layout of the church of San Savino dates to the early 16th century.

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Vezzano sul Crostolo

Church of San Martino

The church has an elegant façade with a sloping roof and the interior has a single nave with a barrel vault and richly ornamented capitals which embellish the six side altars.

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