Church of Ventoso

Situated a short distance from the Torricella castle, the church is dedicated to Our Lady of the Assumption and dates to the year 912, mentioned in an act by Berengario.

Address and contacts

Via Strucchi, 27 - Locality Ventoso, 42019 Scandiano
0039 0522 857511 - Parrocchia di Rondinara

0039 0522 857690 - Parrocchia di Ventoso

How to get there

See the indication to reach Scandiano

Ventoso is 1 km far from Scandiano

Historical notes

The current building and the bell tower were erected in the second half of the 17th century. The façade of the church is tripartite with a rose window in stone and two lobed windows at the sides of the portal. The interior is composed of a single nave with three altars. The body of the priest’s house extends south-westward and is joined to the church by the bell tower which culminates in a series of two-light mullioned windows.