S. Maria della Misericordia Church
Address and contacts
Via Santa Maria - 42015 Correggio
Phone 0039 0522 693296 - Municipality of Correggio
How to get there
Follow the road signs to reach Correggio.
Historical notes
The origin of this church, one of the oldest buildings in the Borgovecchio district, is linked to the activity of the Confraternity of the Verberati of Santa Maria della Misericordia, already present in Correggio in 1316. The current configuration of the building is the result of successive works: from the mid-XVIII century, the front facing onto Via Santa Maria with arched portico on columns and doric pilaster strips; from the mid-XIX century the side on Via Borgovecchio in neo-Gothic style with pilaster strips and oval two-light mullioned windows. In the interior, very simple and spare, were important paintings by Antonio Allegri (the Correggio). The suppression of the confraternity dates back to 1782. The church became a storage and market for firewood until 1796, when it was reopened for worship.
After the suppression of the confraternity, the building was almost entirely abandoned until the recent restoration works. The façade of the church, facing onto Via Santa Maria, is preceded by a porticoed part with four pilasters and round arches in exposed brick. Under the portico, with cross-vault, the entrance is preceded by a polychromatic wooden portal dating back to the XVIII century. The right side of the church is marked by pilaster strips and oval two-light mullioned windows. The small bell tower that can be seen on the side was built in 1833.
The church is no longer used for worship and is not accessible to visitors.