Church of Santa Giustina and San Cipriano
Address and contacts
Via Santa Giustina - Locality Villa Argine, 42023 Cadelbosco di Sopra
Phone 0039 0522 911375
Opening times
Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
Historical notes
The Church of San Giustina, included among the chapels dependent on San Prospero di Castello, is mentioned in the decree of Bishop Alberio in 1149, in a document of 1184, and in the roll of Church tithes of 1302 and 1318. It probably belonged to the Parish Church of Bagnolo as well as that of San Prospero di Castello. The ancient church of Santa Giustina was probably situated in the village of Vialato.
The current construction, consecrated in 1726 with the addition of the presbytery and the chancel, together with the bell tower and priest’s house, dates to the second half of the 15th century.
The remodelling works in various styles date to about 1681.
The building derives from a design by the architect Pietro Ferretti of Cavazzoli. The façade in various styles is preceded by a front portico. The interior has a single nave supported by twelve round columns. Of note are the fragments of fifteenth-century frescoes.
Following the earthquake of 1996, the church was one of the most highly damaged in the province and was closed as it was no longer fit for use.
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