S. Stefano Church
Address and contacts
Piazza Umberto I° - 42028 Poviglio
Phone 0039 0522 969266 or 0522 654240
S.Stefano Parish church
Opening times
Weekdays: from 07:30 a.m. to 01:00 p.m.
How to get there
See the indication to reach Poviglio
Historical notes
The original structure of the church, probably dating back to the 11th century, must had been similar to the present one but incorporated into the castle.
The entrance reserved to the feudal lord was internal, while the faithful entered from a door located on one side.
Renovated in the XIX century, the church has a large and luminous façade, divided by pilasters, liturgically oriented from east to west.
The church, with three naves divided by pillars, contains two polychrome plaster frontals and an octagonal baptismal font in Verona marble with rosettes and shields.
The XV-century tower has undergone several renovations. On the first floor of the bell tower, there is a fresco depicting Madonna and Angels, dated back to the Middle Ages.
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