Church of Fellegara

The original layout of the church of San Savino dates to the early 16th century.

Address and contacts

Via Brugnoletta - Locality Fellegara, 42019 Scandiano
Phone 0039 0522 857511 - Parish of the Nativity

How to get there

See the indication to reach Scandiano

Fellegara is about 4 km from Scandiano

Historical notes

In 1904-5 a new church was built on the design of Pietro Ferrari of Reggio Emilia in collaboration with the engineer Venerio Zuccoli, who designed the facade. The tripartite facade has a tall portal with round arch and upper pediment. The bell tower culminates in a chamber with two-light mullioned windows. Between 1944-45, the painter Anselmo Govi completed the decoration of the interior.