San Filippo Neri Church
Address and contacts
Via San Filippo - 42121 Reggio nell'Emilia 0039 0522.402210 - Curia Cultural Heritage
0039 0522.580362 - FAR Studium Regiense Foundation
Opening times
The church is open only during concert, celebrations or other events.
How to get there
Reggio nell'Emilia - Town centre
Historical notes
By Orazio Talami, in the presbytery, is an Adoration of the Magi facing a Marriage of the Virgin by Soavi. By Domenico Pellizzi, in the apse, is a San Filippo Neri. Several works by Giacomo Pavia, Girolamo Donnini, a valuable polychrome wooden crucisix, frontals, shelves. On the choir loft are copies taken from Correggio: the Annunciation, the Scodella Virgin Mary and the one with San Girolamo. In the contiguous oratory, which in the last post-war period housed a printing press for a long time, are three ceilings with paintings (Assumption of Mary, Trinity, Angels) and a fourth one with coffered.