Church of San Giovanni Battista
Address and contacts
Via Sartori, 7 - 42020 San Polo d'Enza
Phone 0039 0522 873598
How to get there
See the indication to reach San Polo d'Enza
Historical notes
The church interior is a cross-vaulted hall and dates back to the 18th century. It has no façade and the entrance door is on the side overlooking the square.
A memorial stone inside the church commemorates the fact that the chapel of San Giovanni Battista was commissioned by the aristocrat from Modena Simone Marchesi. On the left wall there is a fresco of the Adoration of the Magi painted by Nicolò dell’Abate.
The baptistery is located in the cavity of the flat-roofed tower on the side of the church facing to direction of town. The meticulous restoration of the paintwork carried out during first half of 1983 shows how even simple “maintenance” work has required serious formal choices to be made.
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