Church of San Carlo Borromeo
Address and contacts
Via Rubiera, 1 - 42018 San Martino in Rio
Phone 0039 0522 698422 - Convent
Frati cappuccini di S.Martino in Rio
Opening times
From 07:30 a.m to 12:00 e from 03:00 p.m. to 07:00 p.m.
How to get there
See the indication to reach San Martino in Rio
Historical notes
The original vault is concealed behind a recently-built double ceiling. On the left side of the nave there are three chapels with altars. The church contains important works such as 16th- and 17th-century canvases received from other closed-down monasteries, frontals in scagliola, and inlaid altars. The main altar with an carved and inlaid 18th-century tabernacle is particularly beautiful.
The canvas of St. Francis receiving the stigmata is stylistically interesting, particularly for the depiction of the landscape. The canvas matches the main altarpiece of the church.
The painting of the Crib is an early, possibly late 17th-century copy of the famous “Notte” by Correggio, once in the Basilica of San Prospero in Reggio Emilia, and now in Dresden.
The canvases of St. Sebastian were probably originally the side panels of a larger painting that was broken up, as shown by the scenes appearing on the sides and the landscape which can be imagined as continuing across the canvases.
The paintings are dated 1521 and signed by Ercole Banci, a painter from Ferrara in the height of the Renaissance period, influenced by the classicist Francesco Francia.