Project Direction and editorial coordinator: Reggio Emilia Municipality; Tourist Promotion Office, Piazza Prampolini, 1 - 42121 Reggio Emilia - phone 0039.0522.456674.
Editorial Staff: Tourist Office Reggio Emilia, Via Farini 1/A - 42121 Reggio Emilia; e-mail:; phone 0039.0522.451152.
Site created by the company RedTurtle Srl, Via Caselli 11/B - 44124 Ferrara.
Thanks to: the Tourist Service of the Emilia Romagna region, the Departments for Culture and Tourism, and Libraries of the 32 municipalities included, tourist offices of the area and all providers of information.
For photos we thank: Dario Mussini (Milky Way Concerts), Maramotti Collection, Aterballetto, Consorzio ABT, Azienda Agricola La Razza, F&P Partners, TaddeiHotels Montecatini Terme.