Church of the Santissima Annunziata - Pieve Saliceto
Address and contacts
Via Ghiarone, 81 - Locality Pieve Saliceto, 42044 Gualtieri
Phone 0039 0522 828132 - Parish of Gualtieri
Pastoral unity of Gualtieri
How to get there
See the indication to reach Gualtieri
Historical notes
Construction of the church began in 1653 and was completed in 1670.
The façade, subdivided horizontally by a cornice, has two overlying orders, Doric and Ionic, and is joined, according to a recurring schema of the time, by two simple volutes on the sides.
It is completed at the top by a tympanum which encloses a clock.
The interior of the church has a single nave and six side chapels.
The chancel holds fine stalls in walnut.
Of particular interest is the eighteenth-century stuccowork, the organ, and the altar-piece of the Bolognese school of Guido Reni.
The Romanesque bell tower is twenty-nine metres high.
Useful links
Chiesa SS. Annunziata on Il paesaggio della Bonifica
Holy mess times