Civic Tower or Clock Tower
Address and contacts
Via Garibaldi - 42019 Scandiano 0039 0522 764211 - Scandiano Municipality
Clock tower
Opening times
The visit is possible only with guided tour to the Boiardo Fortress.
The ticket gives access to the guided tour to Boiardo Fortress, Clock tower, Spallanzani House and S.Maria church (if open).
€ 3.00 - Full ticket
Free - Children up to 15 years and for people over 65
How to get there
By car
From A1 motorway Reggio Emilia exit: take SS467 ringroad towards Scandiano-Sassuolo.
From Modena: take SS486 "Passo delle Radici" road towards Sassuolo, then at Veggia take SS467 road towards Scandiano-Reggio Emilia.
By train
There are local trains to Reggio Emilia-Sassuolo, leaving from the Reggio Emilia Railway Station.
By bus
From Piazzale Europa bus No. 46 line Reggio Emilia-Baiso (Cerredolo)-Carpineti-Castelnovo né Monti.
Historical notes
It was originally the gateway to the ancient village and was built by Feltrino Boiardo in the first half of the XV century.
In 1548 the clock was already placed on the tower and could be admired from the nearby market square.
The bells in the belfry marked centuries of local history: one, the smallest, was blessed by Pope Paul III in 1543, and the biggest was melded in 1577.
On the bells, engraved in high relief, is the Scandiano coat of arms, different from the current one and consisting of a shield and a ladder (without the current eagle).
The major bell was used to summon the residents in case of calamities, diseases, wars or other special events.
The clock, from ancient construction with a system of ropes, counterweights and pulleys, strikes the hours heard in the whole Scandiano town centre.
Particularly interesting is the hour dial overlooking via Magati, equipped with a single sphere and the pin in the shape of a Sun.
In a niche under the dial Saint Catherine of Alexandria, patron saint of Scandiano, was depicted.
The fresco is now kept in the Town Hall.