Torricella Castle
Address and contacts
Via Monte Evangelo di Ventoso - 42019 Scandiano
0039 0522 764211 - Scandiano Municipality
How to get there
By car
From A1 motorway Reggio Emilia exit: take SS467 ringroad towards Scandiano-Sassuolo.
From Modena: take SS486 "Passo delle Radici" road towards Sassuolo, then at Veggia take SS467 road towards Scandiano-Reggio Emilia.
By train
There are local trains to Reggio Emilia-Sassuolo, leaving from the Reggio Emilia Railway Station.
By bus
From Piazzale Europa bus No. 46 line Reggio Emilia-Baiso (Cerredolo)-Carpineti-Castelnovo né Monti.
Historical notes
The Boiardo family, who became lords of Scandiano, turned it into a summer residence and here tradition has it that Matteo Maria Boiardo composed part of his poem.
The castle, now a ruined tower with a small house next to it, was then sold by the community to N.H. Prof. Prospero Cugini in 1861.
In 1864 the new owner started the reconstruction works entrusting architect Cesare Costa (Pievepelago 1801 - Modena 1876) with them; the building regained its original appearance of a medieval fortification, as evidenced by the entrance portal ending with a projecting brackets.
Beside the portal, the deep grooves of the drawbridge and a small slit are still visible.
The castle is spread over three levels and is completed by the tower built with Ghibelline crenellations.
The castle is, like that of Canossa, a national monument.