Typical products
Reggio Emilia
Parmigiano Reggiano
Parmigiano Reggiano is a hard-paste cheese and long aged. Its ingredients are natural and simple: genuine cow milk, rennet, producers' professional experience and natural aging.
Reggio Emilia Traditional Balsamic Vinegar DOP
The Traditional Balsamic Vinegar DOP of Reggio Emilia is obtained thanks to a very long aging (minimum twelve years) from boiled must of local grapes, in a series of small barrels made in different woods with scalar sizes, according to annual decanting and periodical refilling.
Pan de Re
"Pan de Re" is the name of a bread made according to the rules of traceability so that consumers can know their origins from the place of cultivation of cereals, flour milling, bread making, to an increasing awareness of how we bring to our tables.
Lambrusco Wine
The term "lambrusco" indicates a family of wines with a common origin, all cultivated in Emilia, especially in the provinces of Reggio Emilia and Modena, partly in Parma, and also in the province of Mantova.
Cold cuts
Ham, cured ham, mortadella, coppa, salami, cotechino and "Cappello da Prete": these are the typical charcuterie products of the province of Reggio Emilia.
Savoyard biscuits
In 1919, after the war, Elico Alai recalled that he had been an apprentice at a baker’s as a lad and he had learnt some of the tricks of the trade. He had a bicycle for transport and the imagination to try out new things, so he put together the simplest of ingredients that he could get: water, flour and sugar.