Spazio Gerra
Address and contacts
Piazza XXV Aprile, 2 - 42121 Reggio nell'Emilia 0039 0522 585654
0039 0522 585653
Spazio Gerra
Opening times
According to the on going event
According to the events and exhibitions
How to get there
Reggio nell'Emilia - Town centre
Near the Ex Caserma Zucchi parking.
Historical notes
The intention behind the design concept was to develop the urban and architectural potential of the location, seen as a link between two historical parts of the city: the square behind the Ariosto Theatre to the south and the lower-level area adjoining the Cavallerizza Theatre to the north. The result is a novel urban solution which introduces new paths and settings in a portion of the city that, in conjunction with the plan to upgrade piazza della Vittoria, will play a key role in the city’s historical town centre. Piazza XXV Aprile and the new cultural centre, each complementing the other, are mutually regenerative in a space-time dialectic between empty and full, backdrop and scenery, transparency and opaqueness, stopping and moving.
“Spazio Gerra” has hosted the multifaceted dimensions of contemporaneity in their various expressions, functions and manifestations, including art, photography, advertising, television, cinema, graphic art, illustration, comics, projection, video and computer, but also in less visible forms, such as those of the mind, those evoked through words and music, as well as those not deriving directly from sight but perceived through the senses of smell, touch, taste and hearing.