Cycling and trekking
Reggio Emilia
From Ariosto's summer residence to the Rivalta Palace
Historical wildlife route from Ariosto's residence, through the Rodano River Park, to the Rivalta Palace.
Crostolo Stream Greenway
The Crostolo cycle-pedestrian trail connects the municipality of Vezzano sul Crostolo to the town centre of Reggio Emilia and continues northward to the municipality of Cadelbosco di Sopra. The trail is suitable for everyone and is particularly frequented by families and hikers in the spring months.
Reggio Emilia-Cavriago by bicycle
An itinerary west of Reggio Emilia to bike or walk in the greenery of the suburbs, between the Ghiardo, San Bartolomeo, San Rigo, Coviolo, Codemondo hamlets, up to the Cavriago municipality.
Cycling to the Marmirolo Oasis
An itinerary suitable for everyone to discover the Marmirolo, Roncadella, Masone and Castellazzo hamlets.
Modolena Stream Greenway
The cycle-pedestrian trail runs alongside the Modolena, flanking interesting historic villas: a flat path suitable for everyone.
Rodano Stream Greenway
The cycle path follows the course of the river Rodano along points of great historical and natural interest. A path suitable for cyclists and hikers, completely flat.
Reggio Città dei Sentieri (Reggio City of Trails)
160 kilometers of trails among canals, villas, and scenic views, through a unique system of paths. Discover step after step Reggio's heritage
San Pellegrino Trail
A spiritual path on ancient trails from Reggio Emilia to the San Pellegrino Sanctuary, on the high peaks of the Apennines between Emilia and Tuscany.
Sentiero dei Ducati (Dukedoms Trail)
a 201-kms trail, from Reggio Emilia to Ligurian Sea. A journey on the footsteps of History through the most authentic Apennine.
Sentiero Spallanzani (Spallanzani Trail)
The Spallanzani Trail crosses all kinds of local environments of the Reggiano Apennine, starting from Reggio Emilia and arriving in San Pellegrino in Alpe, on the Apennines Crest.
Via Matildica del Volto Santo
The Via Matildica del Volto Santo is a route that today allows you to retrace the ancient network of itineraries that crossed the territories of the Countess Matilde di Canossa.
The Villas' Path (La Via delle Ville)
Discover historical palaces and villas in this cycling itinerary into the Reggio Emilia Urban Area
Cycling Route to the Corte Valle Re Springs
From the City Centre to Campegine Municipality, discovering rich biodiverse areas and lowland springs.
Crostolo Itinerary: from Reggio Emilia to Lido Po (Guastalla)
The route runs mainly along the Crostolo embankment (over 24 km) with sections on roads with little traffic and cycling.
Albinea-Botteghe-Broletto Trail
The suggestive Albinea-Botteghe-Broletto route is made in a ring and winds mainly along secondary roads with asphalted surfaces.
Walking and Cycling itineraries in Albinea
These itineraries are taken from "I Cammini del Gusto. A piedi e in bici nelle Colline Reggiane" (The Savoury Paths. Walking and Cycling into the Reggio Emilia hills). These itineraries are sponsored by the Municipalities of Vezzano sul Crostolo, Albinea, and Viano. Amazing landscapes, places steeped in history and an abundance of gastronomy products, all this for a unique stay on the Reggio Emilia Hills.
Albinea-Montericco-Bellarosa Ringroad
11,5 kms trail on paved and gravel road through Albinea rolling hills.
Ca' del Vento Trail
CAI Trail no. 614 starts from CEA (in via Chierici no. 2 at Borzano). Bikers (mountain bikes) and pedestrians can walk through it.
The small capitals of the Po River
The 30 km that divide Reggio Emilia from the Great River help us discover the small Renaissance capitals along the Po river as well as an amazing historical and natural landscape.
Crossing the High Plains
A descent from the hills to the Plain, crossing towns, marshes, and immense fields near the Secchia River and the Apennines.
Reggio Emilia Foothills - From Secchia to Enza river
A 50km cyclepath among rolling hills, rivers, castles and natural parks at the Apennines doorstep.
Central Lowlands Ringroad
Ringroad route through the heart of the lowlands between Correggio and Novellara.
Cross-cutting the Lowlands
Diagonal route, cross-cutting the lowland from Correggio to Guastalla, reaching the Po River.
Aquarum Terrae - Waterlands by bike
A 65 km ringroad across the Province, between canals, rivers, reclaimed lands, little towns and discovering how the man's work harmonized the coexistence between society and nature.
Gonzaga's Ringroad
Ringroad among the origin places of the Gonzaga family. This route shares a segment with the Province of Mantua.
Into the Lowlands - From the Plain to the City
A bike tour among the Lowlands municipalities, castles and towns, from the outer province to the inner city. A route for all with low difficulty and a high cultural value, across waterlands, country roads, and historical towns.
Eastern Lowlands Ringroad
Ringroad on the eastern border of the province, among canals, rice fields and quaint towns.
Secchia River cycle path
Cycle path, within everyone's reach, partly on its own course and partly on very low-traffic road, with a length ranging from 25 to 38 km depending on the detours.
San Polo d'Enza
Enza River Cycling Trail
Cycling route along the medium and final part of the Enza River, at the border with the Province of Parma
Bike No. 1 - Among rows of imposing oaks
The road starts from the Arceto Castle, take the road Scandiano-Arceto, then the road starting from the front small square
Bike No. 2 - S. Bartolomeo
The route starts from the Arceto Castle, take the road to Casalgrande; past the bridge on the Tresinaro torrent, turn left to S. Donnino, then left again to a small asphalted road along fields and rural houses.
Bicycle link between two trails
This link allows variations to be made to the two preceding trails such as extending the round-trip or leaving from Scandiano.
Dukes Ringroad
Ringroad among the ancient capitals of the Estense Dukedom and Gonzaga Counties, across villas and noble palaces.
Trail No. 2 - The Tresinaro river and the big Oak
Scenic route with a view of Scandiano and the plain.
Monte del Gesso - Monte Vangelo Trail
Loop panoramic route, with view across Scandiano and the whole plain. On the way it will be possible to see points of interest as Tre Croci of Mount Vangelo, the ravines, the big Oak and the Vulcanetti di Fango (Mud Volcanoes). Possibility to lunch in the area.
Vezzano sul Crostolo
Trekking and Cycling routes in Vezzano
These itineraries are included in the "Taste Trails. Trekking and Cycling among the Reggio Hills" guide, created by the municipalities of Vezzano sul Crostolo, Albinea, and Viano. Breathtaking sceneries, historical locations and tasty delights, for a unique experience among the rolling hills.