Reggio Città dei Sentieri (Reggio City of Trails)
The project
"Reggio Città dei Sentieri" (Reggio City of Trails) is a participative project of Reggio Emilia Municipality that aims to create a network of accessible trails on the entire communal territory, for a better sustainable mobility and a new way to discover the city, inside out the historic center.
The trail system of Reggio Emilia represents an important infrastructure of sustainable mobility and an "access key" to a very valuable cultural and community heritage, intended as a vessel of sociality, educational contents, experiences, direct knowledge of the surrounding environment, landscaping and restoration of legacies and local traditions.
These itineraries were defined with local communities in specific moments, called "projecting walks". These trails stretch for more than 160 kilometres along cyclable paths, country trails, and dirt roads, from the noble palaces of the city centre to the quaint villages in the countryside.
practical information
The paths are all classified as low-difficulty trails, accessible on foot, by bike and with any fitness level.
Please pay attention to possible dangers or crosswalks on roads.
For further information and complete trail sheets, please visit (in Italian)
The itineraries
There are 23 paths and they are located on the entire Municipality:
1 - Anello della Rosta (Sentiero CAI 646R)
2 - Anello della Canalina (Sentiero CAI 646G / 646S)
3 - Anello Alex Langer (Sentiero CAI 620G)
4 - Anello di Santa Croce e delle Reggiane (Sentiero CAI 646R)
5 - Strada della Biodiversità (Sentiero CAI 642F)
6 - Anelli di Canali-Il Pozzo e Canali-Castello (Sentiero CAI 646J)
7 - Anello di Roncocesi (Sentiero CAI 620A)
8 - La Via delle Ville (Sentiero CAI 646D)
9 - Anello del Campovolo (Sentiero CAI 646P)
10 - Sentiero Reggio - Corte Valle Re (Sentiero CAI 620)
11 - Anello del Castello di Cadè (Sentiero CAI 620C)
12 - Anello di Villa Cella (Sentiero CAI 620B)
13 - Anello di Cavazzoli (Sentiero CAI 620D)
14 - Giro delle Acque di Pieve Modolena (Sentiero CAI 620F)
15 - Tratto urbano del Sentiero dei Ducati
16 - Anello di Canali e Fogliano (Sentiero 646L)
17 - Tratto urbano del Sentiero Spallanzani
18 - Sentiero del Canale di San Maurizio, con anelli del Mauriziano e diram. per Gavasseto e Castellazzo (Sentiero CAI 610)
19 - Anello dei Murales di Corticella (Sentiero CAI 610F)
20 - Greenway del Rodano e anelli di Gavassa e Cirenaica (Sentiero CAI 646M)
21 - Tratto urbano della Via Matildica del Volto Santo
22 - Anello di Villa Sesso (Sentiero CAI 620H)
23 - Anello di San Prospero Strinati (Sentiero 620E)
The trail analysis are available in Italian, more updates in English will be available soon.
All the paths are available on the free app "Sentieri Appennino", by GeoMedia.
It is possible to view all paths in our Tourist Office (Via Farini 1/A - 42121 Reggio Emilia)
All the paths are managed by Reggio Emilia Municipality, in cooperation with CAI (Italian Alpine Club), FIAB (Italian Bicycle Association), Central Emilia Water Management (Consorzio di Bonifica Emilia Centrale), UISP (Italian Union for Sport Accessibility), Central Emilia Parks Management, World Wildlife Fund, ISTORECO (Historic Institute for the Resistance and Contemporary Society), local communities, private businesses and single citizens.