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Jewish Cemetery

It includes a rectangular area and is surrounded by a wall about two metres high; to the left of the iron gate, a marble stone is situated in the upper part which has the inscription “Cimitero Israelitico” (Jewish Cemetery).

Address and contacts

Via Ludovico Ariosto - 42019 Scandiano
Phone 0039 0522 764211 - Swichboard of the Municipality of Scandiano
sito web Ester - Jewish Cemetery of Scandiano

Opening times

The visit is possible upon arrangement with the contacts above

How to get there


By car
From A1 motorway Reggio Emilia exit, take SS467 ring-road towards Scandiano-Sassuolo;
From Modena, take SS486 "Passo delle Radici" road towards Sassuolo, then at Veggia take SS467 road towards Scandiano-Reggio Emilia.

By train
There are local trains for Reggio-Sassuolo which leave from Reggio Emilia Station

By bus
From Piazzale Europa bus n° 46 line Reggio E. - Baiso (Cerredolo) - Carpineti - C. Monti

Historical notes

This surrounding wall was built in 1915 to replace the previous border hedge thanks to the contribution of the Jewish charities and private donations.”

The Jewish cemetery dates to the times of Count Giulio Boiardo, when in 1547 the lot was sold to Vitale di Leone from Lodo, who lived in Scandiano and whose activity as a banker succeeded that of the descendants of Bonaventura, the first Jewish resident.
The cemetery was restructured in the spring of 1987 thanks to the support of Nobel prize winner Rita Levi Montalcini and the Municipality, and the inauguration was held in October 1992.

How to get there: coming from Reggio Emilia along National Road 467, turn right after the Tresinaro bridge and follow the signs to the town centre. Then take the eighth street on the left and immediately afterward the first on the right. From Sassuolo (Modena), at the traffic lights go straight on in the direction of Reggio Emilia, turn left before the Tresinaro bridge and then follow the directions as above. Parking is available on both sides of the street.