Wine museum

The wine company Medici Ermete & Figli has created a collection of tools and machineries anciently used for grapes processing and wine transformation, through an educational route inside the museum, that shows old methods and techniques

Address and contacts

Acetaia Tenuta Rampata
Strada per S.Ilario, 68 - 42027 Montecchio Emilia
Phone 0039 0522 942135 - Azienda Vinicola Medici Ermete
sito web Casa vinicola Medici Ermete & figli

Opening times

Visits to the vinegar works and the museum are possible upon reservation only.
A multi-functional centre is available where you can enjoy tastings of wines and local food as part of your visit.


Free entrance

How to get there

Sant'Ilario d'Enza

By car
From Reggio Emilia, travel west on Via Emilia in the direction of Parma.

By train
From the railway station of Reggio Emilia, Trenitalia Regional Train

By bus
From Reggio Emilia, bus No. 2


The Museum is set in one of the buildings restored from the existing 19th century complex and displays tools and equipment illustrating the production cycles of the vines and wine.
It gathers tools owned by tht wine growing company that has been active in this territory since the 19th century, adding pieces from Reggio Emilia’s plain. The tools displayed were used until the end of IIWW.