Events 2024

List of the main events in Reggio Emilia and province.

January 7 - December 8, 2024


Reggio Emilia

January 7
Tricolour Flag Festival - celebrations for the anniversary of the proclamation of the First Tricolour Flag - piazza Prampolini - Info: Municipality phone 0039.0522.456211-456170.

April 26 - June 9
European Photography 2024 - exhibitions, installations, conferences, meetings, workshops, showings and performances - in various locations; the theme is: “Nature loves to hide” - Info: Fondazione Palazzo Magnani phone 0039.0522.444446; e-mail:

May 10-12
Internazionale Kids in Reggio Emilia; the big current issues explained to girls and boys - Festival of the monthly magazine Internazionale Kids - in the town centre - Info: Municipality/Culture Department phone 0039.0522.456032-456766 (Monday-Friday 9.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday 3.00 - 5.00 p.m.); Internazionale Kids e-mail:

May 24-26
Reggionarra - narrations that turn Reggio Emilia into the Town of Stories; meetings, performances, musical events, workshops and narrations for childhood - in the town centre - Info: Organizing secretary's office e-mail:

September 6-8
Emergency Festival - meetings and debates with journalists, writers, philosophers, photographers, actors, researchers and artists - in the town centre - Info: Municipality phone 0039.0522.456654; Emergency phone 0039.02.881881.

September 4-8
Giarèda Festival - trade fair for artistic and traditional crafts - Corso Garibaldi - Info: Municipality phone 0039.0522.456316.

September 6-8, 10-15
Dinamico Festival
Contemporary Circus, Music and Theatre Festival. Shows, concerts, workshops, fun, vintage games and outdoor shows - in the Public Gardens, viale Leopoldo Nobili - Info e-mail:

Open Farms - tours, walks, workshops and playful activities for adults and children, tastings in the farms exploring the territory and the local productions - Info: Emilia Romagna Region / Agriculture Department phone 0039.800.662.200.

November 24
San Prospero Festival - solemn religious ceremonies dedicated to Bishop Prospero, Patron Saint of Reggio Emilia; market and travelling markets, artistic crafts, food and wine stands, music, performances - in the town centre - Info: Municipality phone 0039.0522.456316.

December 8
"Città del Tricolore" Reggio Emilia International Marathon - international marathon - start and finish in piazza della Vittoria - start at 9.00 a.m. - Info: Tricolore Sport Marathon phone 0039.0522.267223; Info-Line Maratona phone 0039.334.5455222 (WhatsApp number).


Castelnovo di Sotto

February 4, 18, 25
Castlein Carnival - mask competition, masked groups, clowns, jugglers, balloon sculptors, street artists - in the town centre - 2.30 p.m. - Info: Municipality phone 0039.0522.485711; Associazione "Al Castlein" e-mail:



April 20-21
Georgica - land, water and agriculture festival - Lido Po, viale Lido Po - all day - Info: Municipality phone 0039.0522.839711; Arvales Fratres di Vitaliano Biondi phone 0039.0522.922111.

September 28-29
Lost Plants and Animals
- market of traditional types of fruits, flowers, vegetables, vegetable seeds and rural animals; market of typical and forgotten food and wine organic products; market of handmade products, entertainment, ancient games, meetings, workshops - in the town centre - all day - Info: Arvales Fratres di Vitaliano Biondi phone 0039.0522.922111; Tourist Office phone and fax 0039.0522.839763; Municipality phone 0039.0522.839756.



Third weekend of June
Lambrusco & Spergola wines Festival - event especially dedicated to the wine and its producers, that has its core in the big open-air wine shop where sommeliers accompany the guided tasting with the pairing to local typical products; cultural meetings, shows, exhibitions and food and wine tours - piazza Cavicchioni and Parco Lavezza - Info: Municipality phone 0039.0522.590201; Pro Loco phone 0039.0522.590266.

Albinea Jazz - jazz music festival - Villa Arnò, via Vittorio Emanuele 50; Parco dei Frassini "M. Hack", via Morandi 9 - Info: “P. Neruda” Municipal Library phone 0039.0522.590255; e-mail:

Last weekend of August 
Libr'Aria-Readers in the open air - festival dedicated to literature for children and kids; workshops, meetings, interviews, performances, readings and narrations, stories and illustrations - "P. Neruda" Municipal Library, via Morandi 9, and Parco dei Frassini "Margherita Hack", via Morandi - Info: "P. Neruda" Municipal Library phone 0039.0522.590262; e-mail:

First weekend of September 
Fola Festival - performances, small markets, art, games, funfair, music, food and wine, fun - piazza Cavicchioni and Parco Lavezza, piazzale Lavezza - Info: Municipality phone 0039.0522.590211; "P. Neruda" Municipal Library phone 0039.0522.590232; e-mail:; Pro Loco phone 0039.0522.590266.



Fourth weekend of June
Brescello Film Festival - independent audiovisual productions, previews, short films and documentaries - piazza Matteotti - from 7.00 to 11.30 p.m. - Info: Tourist Office phone 0039.0522.482564; "Antonio Panizzi" Municipal Library phone 0039.0522.482520


Montecchio Emilia

July 6
Montecchio Unplugged - Street Music Festival - street artists and musicians, shows for children, games, markets - in the town centre - from 7.00 p.m. to midnight; concerts from 9.15 p.m. - Info: "A. Umiltà" Municipal Library phone 0039.0522.861864; e-mail:



February 17-18
Meeting dedicated to the fans of the Nomadi band, who will perform in two concerts - Pala Tenda, Area Verde, via Indipendenza - Info: Nomadi Brothers Fan Club Nazionale phone 0039.0522.934906; 0039.335.327103; 0039.338.5347199; Municipality phone 0039.0522.655454-655417

Fourth weekend of July
Miss Watermelon - street artists, food and wine stands, games, sugary-degree competition, heaviest-watermelon competition - piazza Unità d'Italia - Info: Pro Loco phone 0039.0522.651378; e-mail:

Second Sunday of October
Balsamic Novellara - trade fair for local manufacturers, good food and antique - in the courtyard of the Gonzaga Fortress, piazzale Marconi 1 - all day - Info: Pro Loco phone 0039.0522.651378; e-mail:; Municipality phone 0039.0522.655457



May 31, June 1-2
Festival Love-Lovers in Scandiano - music, words, acrobatics, games and love, dedicated to the theme of "love" and inspired by Matteo Maria Boiardo's epic poem "Orlando in Love" - in the town centre - Info: Municipality phone 0039.0522.764258


Bagnolo in Piano

May 18-19
Festival of the Early Middle Ages and Barbarian Invasions - in Parco Europa - Info: Baniolum Barbaricum phone 0039.339.3320624; e-mail:


Quattro Castella

May 24-26
Matildic Parade-Quattro Castella makes History; historic parade in vintage dresses, performances, games, markets - in the town centre and at the Bianello Castle, via Bianello; May 26: Historic Matildic Parade - Bianello Castle - 6.00 p.m. - Info: Associazione Comitato Matildico pjhone 0039.335.5462527; Municipality phone 0039.0522.249211; Tourist Office phone 0039.0522.247824

July 24
Lux Omnia Vincit-Matilde enlightens Bianello - on the occasion of the anniversary of the death of Matilde di Canossa (July 24, 1115): torchlight procession with 99 people in medieval costumes to remember the 99 churches built by the Countess - on the churchyard of the Sant'Antonino Church, via Guglielmo Marconi 5, and on the lawns of the Bianello Castle, via Bianello 8 - from 9.00 to 11.00 p.m. - Info: Comitato Matildico phone 0039.335.5462527; e-mail:



Third Sunday of September
Bibbiano Produce - trade fair for the best Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, food and wine, craftmade products; shows, exhibitions, markets and funfair - in the town centre - all day - Info: Municipality phone 0039.0522.253211-253202



September 20-22
Gualtieri Tour - shows, concerts, meetings, extraordinary openings, guided tours, food and wine, landscapes, adventures in the floodplain - in the town centre and in the neighbouring villages - all day - Info: Municipality phone 0039.0522.221869



September 21-22, 28-29
Pumpkin Festival - gastronomic event dedicated to the pumpkin; tasting of gastronomic pumpkin-based specialities in the local restaurants and possibility of dinner (September 21, 28 at 8.00 p.m.) and lunch (September 22, 29 at 12.30 p.m.) in Parco Salici, via IV Novembre; September 29 - market, medieval banquets with handmade and food and wine products, falconry - in the town centre and Parco Salici - all day - Info: Pro Loco phone 0039.338.6188748; Municipality phone 0039.0522.213711-213713



Third weekend of October
Correggio in Autumn-San Luca Festival - market with stalls, antique, display of typical wine and food products, handmade products, exhibitions, shows, taste workshops - corso Mazzini, squares and streets of the town centre - all day - Info: InformaTurismo phone 0039.0522.631770



April 13-14
Green Idea - trade fair of plants, flowers, fruits, art and furnishings - in the town centre - Info: Municipality phone 0039.0522.751911.

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