Nature routes
Reggio Emilia
"Greenway" routes
Routes for walkers and cyclists along the three river parks surrounding and passing through the town centre: Crostolo, Rodano and Modolena.
Educational naturalistic route along the Crostolo torrent
Naturalistic route along the Crostolo torrent, that runs along the left bank of the torrent itself from San Pellegrino bridge to Casale di Rivalta; it is a suggestive path, crowded with pedestrians, cyclists and families.
Going along the landscapes of the land reclamation Authority
The landscape of the land reclamation AKuthority is composed of some areas in the provinces of Reggio Emilia, Modena, Parma and Mantova, rich in art, history and nature.
It is possible to know, recognize, learn ornitology in the Marmirolo Oasis, in the Secchia River Floodplain and in the Bianello Oasis.
From Ariosto's summer residence to the Rivalta Palace
Historical wildlife route from Ariosto's residence, through the Rodano River Park, to the Rivalta Palace.