Piazza della Vittoria
Address and contacts
Piazza della Vittoria - 42121 Reggio Emilia GiraReggio
How to get there
Reggio nell'Emilia - Town centre
Piazza della Vittoria is placed near Ex Caserma Zucchi Parking area, Parco del Popolo and the Municipal Theatre.
Historical notes
Originally on this area there was the ancient "Cittadella", the headquarter of the village, demolished at the half of XIX Century and replaced by Parco del Popolo, the public gardens of the historical centre.
The square, with the Monument to the victims of the I world war, was called Piazza d'Armi ("Gunshot" Square) and only after 1918, at the end of the WWI, it was named Piazza della Vittoria.
Several prestigious buildings surround the square or are placed in the nearby: the Ariosto Theatre, the facade and the neogothic spire of Galleria Parmeggiani, the Library of the Arts, the seat of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia inside the Ex Caserma Zucchi and the Cavallerizza Theatre. The south side is bordered by Isolato San Rocco, a quartier composed by one only building, built in the '50s, on the spot of the previous Arcades of the Trinity. The facade, according to the original project, should recall the facade of the Municipal Theatre placed on the opposite side, on Piazza Martiri del 7 Luglio.
At the discovery of the town centre of Reggio Emilia: