Level 9 - Museum of the places of the XX century
A museum is a collection of objects, at the service of society and its development. Regarding “Level 9”, the museum building is the Internet, the museum windows are the screens of computer devices, the objects on display are squares, streets and buildings in Reggio Emilia.
Like every museum, it is divided into sections; or better, in halls.
The first room inaugurated was the one dedicated to Reggio between 1938 and 1948. A crucial time, which led from the darkest moment to the highest. From the racial laws promulgated by fascism in 1938 we arrive at 1948 and the proclamation of the Republican Constitution. In between, a decade of unique intensity, marked by war, Resistance, and creation of a new political, ideal and cultural world. The 1938-1948 hall hosts fourteen places, evidence of the intensity of that decade. It is a mixture of points that are little known today and others that are known to every inhabitant, who may perhaps not notice their story behind a building seen every day.
These are all the halls of the virtual museum. Click on every image for more details!
Information and contacts
0039 0522 437327