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Contemporary art in Reggio Emilia with four works by the following artists: Luciano Fabro, Sol LeWitt, Eliseo Mattiacci, Robert Morris on display in the open air.


Less Than - permanent work by Robert Morris
San Domenico Cloisters, Via Dante Alighieri 11
Phone 0039 0522 456477 - Civic Museum


Whirls and Twirls 1 - permanent work by Sol LeWitt
Panizzi Library, Via Farini 3
Phone 0039 0522 456084 - Panizzi Library


The Araba Fenice - permanent work by Luciano Fabro
University of Modena and Reggio, Viale Allegri 9
Phone 0039 0522 456532 - Municipality/Culture Department


Danza di Astri e di Stelle (Dance of planets and stars) - permanent work by Eliseo Mattiacci
Former premises of Lombardini Foundry, National Ballet Foundation, Via della Costituzione 39
Phone 0039 0522 456635 - Civic Museum

Historical notes

Between 2004 and 2006 Reggio Emilia asked four protagonists of the international art - Sol LeWitt, Luciano Fabro, Richard Morris and Eliseo Mattiacci - to produce art works for some places of the town. The artists were invited to choose the location for their creations and thought about the places as memory of the community, open to new horizon of interpretation.

Inside the San Domenico Cloisters, Robert Morris placed Less Than, a bronze sculpture associated with industrial sounds audible only at the sunset.

The permanent art work Araba Fenice of Luciano Fabro, was thought specially for the former Foro Boario (today University of Modena and Reggio Emilia) and placed in the colonnade on the ground floor. It is a gold travertine marble column, 7 metres high, and slightly tapered to the top.

For the former Lombardini Foundry, now headquarters of the Fondazione Nazionale della Danza, Eliseo Mattiacci realized Danza di Astri e di Stelle: three big slabs, 10 meters high and 2 metres wide, that tend to infinity and that can be compared to an ancient manual of astronomy with carved misterious signs on it.

Whirls and twirls 1, designed by the American artist Sol Lewitt, is a contemporary fresco depicted on the ceiling of the reading room, on the first floor of the Panizzi Library.

An open air collection in the heart of the city, open to everyone. A new kind of museum where the artworks live in continuous dialogue with the public.

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