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San Prospero Church

Ancient church consecrated in 997 and dedicated to Bishop Prospero, proclaimed Holy Protector of the town. It was completely rebuilt in the XVI century; the façade dates back to the XVI century.

Address and contacts

Piazza San Prospero - 42121 Reggio Emilia

sito web GiraReggio

Opening times

8.30 a.m. - 12.00
05.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m.

Sundays and holidays
8.30 a.m. - 12.00

How to get there

Reggio nell'Emilia - Town centre

Historical notes

The church and tower of Saint Prospero form an extraordinary scenic background when entering the town's most characteristic square where the traditional market takes place (every Tuesday and Friday morning).  The interior of the Basilica is arranged in three naves in a Latin cross with a large dome. In the absidal bowl-shaped vault you can see the series of frescoes by Camillo Procaccini (artist from Bologna) depicting the "Last Judgement". With its refined craftsmanship, the valuable wooden choir stall (by the De Venetiis brothers in 1546), inlaid with country scenes, still lifes, city scenes, constitutes a masterpiece in the art of inlaying and marquetry which developed in Reggio Emilia from the middle of the 1400s. Six large columniferous lions from the beginning of the 1500s decorate the parvis, forming a valuable single group; they are attributed to Gaspare Bigi. Their original purpose is not absolutely clear.

Other information

sito web Holy masses


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The apsal frescoes of the San Prospero Church
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