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Benedictine San Pietro Cloisters

The two Cloisters belonged to the Benedictine Monks who used to officiate in the adjacent San Pietro Church.

Address and contacts

Via Emilia San Pietro, 44/c - 42121 Reggio nell'Emilia
Telefono 0039 0522 456233
Email info@archeosistemi.it
Sito web - Website GiraReggio
Sito web - Website GoogleMaps - Street view

Opening times

The new spaces host the Open Laboratory, the coffee bar and the Co-Working Space. More info.

4.00 p.m. -  8.00 p.m.

Saturday-Sunday and holidays
10.00 a.m. - 8.00 p.m.

Servizi: l’esperienza dei Chiostri di San Pietro è arricchita da visite guidate, attività laboratoriali e didattiche per favorire nei giovani e negli adulti la fruizione e la valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale in un’ottica inclusiva e partecipativa.
Accessibilità: sia il complesso monumentale dei Chiostri di San Pietro sia il Laboratorio Aperto sono accessibili alle persone con disabilità e difficoltà motorie, grazie all’ausilio di ascensori e rampe dedicate. È possibile l’accesso allo spazio con passeggini e carrozzine, salvo particolari ed occasionali restrizioni dovute alla natura delle opere esposte.
Spazi a disposizione: i Chiostri di San Pietro offrono a enti pubblici e privati, aziende, associazioni, l’opportunità di organizzare mostre, esposizioni, eventi, attività per il lancio e lo sviluppo di progetti innovativi e ad alto impatto sociale.

How to visit

Possibility of free or Look at guided tour. Last entrance with free tour 30 minutes before the closing time; last entrance with guided tour 45 minutes before the closing time. For both tours is the possibility of online reservation at Vivaticket or directly on the spot subject to availability (maximum 15 people at a time).

March 11 - April 25, 2024
Saturday, Sunday and holidays 10.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.
April 26 - June 9, 2024 (during European Photography 2024)
Wednesday, Thursday 10.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. and 3.00-7.00 p.m.; Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays 10.00 a.m. - 8.00 p.m.; closed Monday and Tuesday.

Entrance fees

Free entrance with no ticket, keeping the distance among visitors of at least 1 metre and avoiding gatherings. Visitors will have to wear the face mask during the whole tour.
At the ticket office/reception: entrance of one person at a time.

How to get there

Reggio nell'Emilia - town centre

From the Railway Station, past Viale IV Novembre, turn into Via Emilia San Pietro from Piazzale Tricolore; follow this street for about 150 metres, then turn right, just before the San Pietro Church.

Historical notes

The small Cloister was completed in 1524 by Bartolomeo Spani and Leonardo Pacchioni, with typical Renaissance design. The big Cloister is completely different, built about sixty years later by Prospero and Francesco Pacchioni, who adopted a mannerist design. The project was clearly influenced by the model of Mantua-based Palazzo Te, designed by Giulio Romano.

It is possible to see several paintings, but unfortunately many decorations were covered by a layer of lime in the Fifties. The big Cloister has an imposing layout, with the high loggia running along the length of the façades, decorated with statues and windows.

Cloisters of San Pietro, outsideCloisters of San Pietro, Big cloisterCloisters of San Pietro, Small cloister


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