City parks and botanical gardens
Reggio Emilia
Parco del Popolo - Public Gardens
A large park area (with centuries-old plants), located in the town centre.
Crostolo Park
The Crostolo Park extends between the immediate southern outskirts of the town and the boundary with the Town of Quattro Castella and Albinea.
Rodano Park
The Rodano Park, with its 400 hectares, surrounds Reggio Emilia to the east and is characterized by a marked “wildness” and a high naturalistic value.
Le Ginestre Park
Mixed-type quarter park (furniture and rural-forest essence) located in the valley of Rio della Vasca in direct contact with the countryside.
Il Tasso Park
The park is characterized by the building of Villa Cougnet. In summer it hosts cultural events.
Il Gelso Park
The completely restored building (called the Casino dell’Orologio) is the seat of the district, of the Theatre of the game gallery, of the Elder Club and other social services; bowls and football yards.
Il Noce Nero Park
District park realized on areas with interests in private and public building interventions (social centres, schools, sports system, churches).
I Frassini Park
It is a district park with central-European-type features with big trees, wide grass areas and isolated specimen. It is equipped with playing structures, sports path and fountain.
Robert Baden Powell Park
The area is noted for its oak trees which are original to the park and therefore old and of impressive sizes.
I Platani (Via Fenulli)
The park was realized with big trees and grass areas with isolated prestigious specimen and bushes groups with progressive seasonal flourishing.
Paolo Davoli “Sartorio” Park - ex Il Nocciolo Rosso
Small district park with various essences and flower bushes.
Isola Verde Park
The area is equipped with pedestrian paths, a fountain, an area with playing structures for children, benches and a lighting system.
Della Pace Park - Oliver Tambo
The park has central-European type features with big trees and wide grass areas.
Nelson Mandela Park - ex I Pioppi
The park has central-European features with big trees, bushes and wide grass areas.
Campo di Marte I
The park shows central-European features with big trees and wide grass areas with isolated prestigious specimen and bushes groups with progressive seasonal flourishing.
Biasòla Park (locality San Rigo - Rivalta)
On the east side it is touched by the Modolena creek which is an interesting naturalistic environment.
Gli Orti Park
District park dedicated to vegetable gardens for elders, self-managed catering and leisure area; some very prestigious trees (oaks) already existed before the park was built.
Il Ciliegio Park (Via delle Ortolane)
The park was planned with the aim of forming a green area and service system.
Il Carrozzone Park
The area has now an entry place, a fountain and a lighted cycling-pedestrian path.
I Carpini
In the southern part of the park a typical rural house is present as a memory of the pre-existing agricultural ground.
Le Querce Rosse Park
Special space for stopping and reading which is equipped with a fountain, benches and a lighting system. Children's area.
Le Paulonie Park (Via Paradisi)
The park has a paved pedestrian path that crosses the park and divides the various areas.