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L'Altro Teatro

L'Altro Teatro is managed by Arci Reggio Emilia with the help of a group of volunteers from Cadelbosco di Sopra: the "Friends of the Theatre".

Galleria Giuseppe Carretti, 2/A - 42023 Cadelbosco di Sopra
telefono +39 0522.392137 (Arci Reggio Emilia)
cellulare+39 351 5485230 (from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Friday. Also active 2 hours before the start of shows or events)
email info@laltroteatro.com
email biglietteria@laltroteatro.com
sito web L'Altro Teatrowww.laltroteatro.com

L'Altro Teatro

L'Altro Teatro is managed by Arci Reggio Emilia with the invaluable help of a group of volunteers from Cadelbosco di Sopra: the "Friends of the Theatre" who make their time and enthusiasm available to make a place of fundamental culture live for the local community.

How to get there

Cadelbosco di Sopra

By car
From Reggio Emilia exit of A1 Motorway: take the National Road SS63 in the direction of Guastalla/Mantova

By bus
Seta Bus n. 3I93 or 3I87