Cycling and trekking
Albinea-Botteghe-Broletto Trail
The suggestive Albinea-Botteghe-Broletto route is made in a ring and winds mainly along secondary roads with asphalted surfaces.
Walking and Cycling itineraries in Albinea
These itineraries are taken from "I Cammini del Gusto. A piedi e in bici nelle Colline Reggiane" (The Savoury Paths. Walking and Cycling into the Reggio Emilia hills). These itineraries are sponsored by the Municipalities of Vezzano sul Crostolo, Albinea, and Viano. Amazing landscapes, places steeped in history and an abundance of gastronomy products, all this for a unique stay on the Reggio Emilia Hills.
Albinea-Montericco-Bellarosa Ringroad
11,5 kms trail on paved and gravel road through Albinea rolling hills.
Ca' del Vento Trail
CAI Trail no. 614 starts from CEA (in via Chierici no. 2 at Borzano). Bikers (mountain bikes) and pedestrians can walk through it.