Bogdanovic Meglioli Anne
Address and contacts
Via Giuseppe Verdi, 20/AB - 42124 Reggio nell'Emilia 0039 0522 431458
+39 333 8167570
Associazione Guide Turistiche Reggiane
Eno-one, guided tours in Reggio Emilia
Food and wine tours
Tourist Guide for the city of Reggio Emilia, cities in the district of Reggio Emilia and in the region of Emilia-Romagna
By email
€ 100.00 - Half a day (three consecutive hours) - up to 15 people
€ 2.00 - Each additional person
€ 20.00 - Each additional hour
€ 30.00 - Service in foreign language
An official invoice will be issued for any tour
On all prices listed below
Tax (Iva) must be applied
Unless a Ue Vat number is supplied
Credit card payment available, upon prior arrangement
Sphere of reference
Food & Wine (with possible guided tastings of cheese, wine, olive oil, cured meat, traditional - and non - balsamic vinegar) -Historical - Artistic.
Languages known
French - English