Exhibition Centre

Organization and setup of trade fairs, expositions and market shows

Address and contacts

Piazza Prampolini, 1 - 42019 Scandiano
Phone 0039 0522 764302 
Phone 0039 0522 857436
fax 0039 0522 854222
Email info@fierascandiano.it
sito web Fiere di Scandiano


The pavilions of the Scandiano Fairgrounds are located near the town centre, so the strong point of this facility is its synergistic relationship with the local commercial fabric. The location provides easy access to a large car park, an extensive park with playground area for children and an open-air café kiosk, and the M.M. Boiardo Cinema-Theatre, which hosts the collateral events organised for the various fairground initiatives. The self-service restaurant La Fiorita is situated next to the entrance to the pavilions, and the main cafés and restaurants of the town centre are located in the immediate vicinity. Indoor area: 5000 square metres. Outdoor area: 20,000 square metres. Service car park with capacity of 500. External conference rooms at the cinema-theatre, capacity 300. Two exhibition halls. 150.000 visitors yearly. Canteen with capacity of 100.

How to get there


By car
From A1 motorway Reggio Emilia exit, take SS467 ring-road towards Scandiano-Sassuolo.
From Modena, take SS486 "Passo delle Radici" road towards Sassuolo, then at Veggia take SS467 road towards Scandiano-Reggio Emilia.

By train
There are local trains for Reggio-Sassuolo which leave from Reggio Emilia Station.

By bus
From Piazzale Europa bus No. 46 line Reggio E. - Baiso (Cerredolo) - Carpineti - C. Monti.