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Minibus M: High Speed Railway Station - town centre

The town centre and the High Speed Railway Station are closer each other through the new Minibu M route.

From the Mediopadana Railway Station you can reach the town centre with travel times that are competitive compared to other means of transport and at an extremely low cost. The stops in the town centre are located next to venues for cultural events, such as the Museums Palace, the Theatres, the  San Pietro and San Domenico Cloisters. Besides, the Minibu M will also stop in Piazzale Marconi, thus directly connecting the Mediopadana Railway Station with the Central Railway Station.


Seta Reggio Emilia
whatsapp 0039 334 2194058



The route has fewer stops than other urban transport: from the Mediopadana AV Station to the town centre, it makes the first stop in Piazzale Lari, which becomes an exchange car park, near the Mapei-Città del Tricolore Stadium. The second stop at the Courthouse and the Makallè school complex, the third stop at the Gasometro car park and the fourth stop in Via Leopoldo Nobili, at the Museums Palace. The route continues in Via Angelo Secchi, Mercato Coperto Gallery, Via Emilia San Pietro and the terminal at the Piazzale Marconi Railway Station.


Every 15 minutes Monday-Saturday from 6.20 a.m. to 9.30 p.m.; every 20 minutes Sunday and holidays from 7.00 to 9.25 p.m. Saturdays and holidays: no Piazzale Lari stop.
Piazzale Lari becomes a parking lot and can be used to head towards the town centre (in 8 minutes) or at the Railway Station (in 5 minutes).


From the High Speed Railway Station to the town centre in 14 minutes;
From the High Speed Railway Station to the Central Railway Station, Piazzale Marconi, in 20 minutes.


The ticket costs €1.50 and is valid for 75 minutes. It may be purchased at authorized dealers or directly on the bus with a contactless payment card. For those who park their car at the Piazzale Lari exchange car park, the Minibus M same-day return ticket is free and is valid exclusively on the Minibus connecting to the car park where the car was left.

Check the timetable at the website Setaweb.it!

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