Entire territory Home / Flavours / Traditional recipes / Erbazzone in Reggio Emilia


Erbazzone reggiano is made with simple ingredients, that any country housewife would have once had to hand, and is basically a pastry shell containing a vegetable filling.

Traditional Food Product

Erbazzone ("scarpazzòun" in local dialect) - savoury spinach pie


For the filling:
1.5 kg of spinach or chard
1 bunch of leeks with fresh green stalks
A handful of parsley
60 g of ham or bacon fat
4 tablespoons of oil
50 g of butter
2 cloves of garlic
4 or 5 handfuls of mature parmesan cheese
Salt and pepper to taste

For the pastry:
200 g of flour
1 knob of lard
2 tablespoons of oil
Salt and pepper
Tepid water in sufficient quantity

For pastry with ricotta cheese:
220 g of flour
50 g of ricotta cheese
1 knob of lard
2 tablespoons of oil
Tepid water in sufficient quantity

Salt and pepper to taste

How to do

Melt the ham fat over the heat, adding the crushed garlic and leeks which have also been chopped together with the stalks.
Add oil and butter and, after the leeks have been browned, without burning, add in the spinach which you have already boiled and crushed. Leave to flavour with salt and pepper.
When everything has cooled, take away the garlic, add the finely chopped parsley and the parmesan. Prepare the pastry, and having left it rest for half an hour, divide it into two parts. Roll one part with the rolling pin, place it carefully in the greased pie dish and pour in the filling. Roll the other part of the pastry more finely than the first, sprinkle over flour, and roll it up in the floured rolling pin; pull the two extremes of the pastry towards the centre of the rolling pin and let the rippled pastry slide over the filling. After having carefully made lots of small holes in the pastry, put it in the oven at 200 °C.
Leave for about half an hour; a few minutes before it's ready, grease the surface with a piece of lard.
Put it back in the oven and take out after a few minutes. The "erbazzone" is ready.

More info

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