Rice cake
The rice cake is included in the list of traditional agri-food products of the Emilia Romagna Region - Province of Reggio Emila
At the beginning of the XX century the youngest daughters of country families were sent to work at the rice plantations in the Vercelli area. Rice was an important part of the salary of a "mondina", as well as the money they earned, and this led to the widespread use of rice in the traditional Reggio cuisine.
150 g of rice
1 l of milk
1 pinch of salt
150 g of sugar
3 eggs
3 or 4 tablespoons of Sassolino liqueur or aniseed
1 grated lemon
How to do
Boil the milk with a pinch of salt. While boiling, toss the rice, stir occasionally and cook for eight or nine minutes. Turn off, and when everything will be brought to room temperature, add sugar, Sassolino liqueur or Anisette liqueur, lemon and eggs. Be careful, however, the eggs must be poured one at a time: the second egg will not be poured if the yolk of the first egg has not completely melted and so for the others. For egg whites: just spread them conveniently.
Pour everything into the buttered and floured mold and let stand for two hours. Put in the oven at 180°: 45 minutes will be enough for cooking. Remove from the oven, lightly sweeten the hot cake and sprinkle with Anisette and Sassolino liqueur. The rest of two hours makes the rice settle and allows the formation of the famous glossy, and a bit scorched, crust.