Miss Deanna

An Italian-style successful story: Deanna Ferretti Veroni, the woman who invented knitwear.

Deanna Ferretti Veroni, in the Reggio Emilia area between the seventies and the early XXI century, made sweaters for the most famous Italian and world fashion designers. Her first collections were successful in both England, the Netherlands and then France.

Abito Musei CiviciDeanna con KenzoModateca
In Paris she started working with an unknown young fashion designer: Kenzo. This cooperation lasted 20 years and opened the doors to the world for her. After Kenzo she worked with Krizia, Max Mara, Coveri, Armani, Versace, Valentino, Martin Margiela, Neil Barrett and Lawrence Steele.
Miss Deanna does not have her own brand, she does not sign collections and yet she is a prominent figure in international fashion.
Her company grew so much that, in 1971, her husband and she moved the business to San Martino in Rio. In 2001, the knitwear factory was sold to Armani, but not the archive, which in the meantime had acquired stratospheric dimensions.
The Modateca, as international fashion documentation centre open to the public and founded in 2005, is a real heritage of the history of fashion. Not only the entire archive of the Deanna knitwear factory, but also entire samples of well-known fashion designers purchased over time, as well as vintage models, folklore costumes and many items that made up the wardrobe of Deanna herself.


Sito web Annastyle.it
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Sito web MarieClaire.com
Sito web Musei.re.it