Villa d'Este - Corbelli Basin

The palace and the basin were part of the great project of the Ducal Palace of Rivalta and its gardens.

Address and contacts

Via della Repubblica, 29 - 42123 Reggio nell'Emilia
Sito web - Website 0039 348 7929680
Sito web - Website 0039 347 7848119

Sito web - Website
Sito web - Website

Opening times

The palace is not usually accessible to the public. The surrounding pool is accessible every day during the opening hours of Centro Sociale "Vasca di Corbelli".

Entrance fee


How to get there

Reggio nell'Emilia

By car
Take the main road SS63 towards Rivalta.

By bus
Local transport service bus No. 5 to Rivalta Peep then bus No. 5+.