Cesare Zavattini Theatre - Cavallerizza Theatre
Address and contacts
Viale Antonio Allegri, 8/A - 42121 Reggio Emilia 0039 0522 458811 - Contact center Fondazione I Teatri
Fondazione I Teatri
Fondazione I Teatri
Opening times
The theatre is normally open only during performances and events
Entrance fees
According to the scheduled performance
How to get there
Reggio nell'Emilia - Town centre
È raggiungibile a piedi parcheggiando all'ex caserma Zucchi e percorrendo viale Allegri.
Dalla stazione FFSS è raggiungibile con gli autobus diretti in centro storico
Historical notes
It is officially dedicated to Cesare Zavattini, writer, scriptwriter and painter born in Luzzara, but it is mainly known by its previous denomination: Teatro Cavallerizza. The name derives from the building's original destination: it was part of Zucchi Barracks (now location of the University) and was indoor stables until World War II.
After its original function, the building was restored and was allocated for theatre performances in 1994.
A central wall divides the only elliptical room of the original map, and forms two spaces: one for the reception of the public and the wardrobe, and the other one for the performance hall whose capacity is 450 spectators along two mobile stairs (up to 12 different layouts). Cavallerizza, by virtue of its space versatility, is the natural seat of special projects, performances of research of contemporary theatre and dance, stages, workshops and meetings.