Tecnopolo and Parco Innovazione - former Officine Reggiane
Address and contacts
Piazzale Europa, 1 - 42124 Reggio Emilia 0039 0522 272831
Parco Innovazione
REI - Reggio Emilia Innovazione
Information and reservations
0039 0522 272831
For reservations of guided tours of Tecnopolo (Hangar 19) and Parco Innovazione (Hangar 18)
e-mail to both addresses info@parcoinnovazione.it
For information about Tecnopolo and Tecnopolo's Congress Hall: 0039 0522 272831
How to get there
Tecnopolo is located in the north-east area of the town centre of Reggio Emilia, beside of the Railway Station and the Piazzale Europa Parking.
Parco Innovazione
Parco Innovazione is located in the northern area of Reggio Emilia, in the old headquarters of Officine Meccaniche Reggiane. Its distance from "Reggio Emilia Av Mediopadana" Railway Station and A1 Motorway is about km 1.5, and it is located next to Reggio Emilia Railway Station and the Airport.
In Parco Innovazione area are located:
- Tecnopolo for industrial and technological research, in Hangar 19 of Officine Reggiane.
- Loris Malaguzzi International Centre, workshop of “Reggio Emilia Approach” for pre-schools.
The redevelopment project focuses on three key subjects:
- redevelopment of Piazzale Europa;
- re-opening of the historical stretch of Viale Ramazzini;
- architectural and functional redevelopment of Hangars 17 and 18 as headquarters of businesses, research workshops and startup companies.
Historical notes
A centre for mechatronic, construction, agricultural, energy and environmental research, Tecnopolo was built to create and spread knowledge, attract high-tech industries and act as a startup incubator. It is hosted in Hangar 19 (3,500 square metres) of the historical Reggio Emilia Factories.
Officine Meccaniche Reggiane, built in an area of Santa Croce district in 1904, is one of the major excellences of Reggio Emilia.
The production first focused on railroad equipment and then expanded to include other types of industrial installations (ovens, pasta factories and others) and was converted for military use during the Great War. In the mid-Thirties the large “Avio” department was founded, it produced military aircraft like the Re 2001 and eventually employed over 11,000 workers. Because of this activity, the plant was bombed by the Allies in January 1944, with numerous civilian casualties.
The Workshops’ post-war history was characterized by a tense social struggle between owners and workers, with the latter occupying the plant 368 days between 1949 and 1951; in the end, these were unable to avoid mass firing. This marked the end of the golden age of the Workshops that, nonetheless, continued to produce railway and industrial engineering materials until the end of production in 2008.
I luoghi della città accessibile
The places of the accessible town is a project of Reggio Emilia Città Senza Barriere carried out with the C.R.I.B.A. ER, which aims to improve the accessibility and usability of the shops and premises in the town of Reggio Emilia.
Reggio Emilia Città Senza Barriere - IL TECNOPOLO e PARCO INNOVAZIONE
Other information
Reggiane Urban Gallery - Virtual gallery with works, artists, street-art and writing stories hidden in the hangars of former Officine Reggiane
Archivio Reggiane - Officine Reggiane's Historical Archive