Crostolo Statue
Address and contacts
Piazza Prampolini - 42121 Reggio Emilia GiraReggio
How to get there
Reggio nell'Emilia - Town centre.
The statue is in Piazza Prampolini.
Historical notes
Together with the statues of the Secchia and Panaro rivers it was part of the ornamental complex of the Villa park.
Some authors attribute it to Giovan Battista Bolognini.
In 1285 the clergy of the Cathedral had a well dug at their own expense, for public benefit, in the old palace of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia.
This well, closer to the Baptistery than the current fountain, consisted of a marble balcony surmounted by an iron arch from which hung two buckets which alternately served to draw water.
In 1770, as the structure was damaged and the waters were unhealthy, it was decided to build a new, more central well, the one where the statue of Crostolo now stands.
The Revolution that led to the proclamation of the Cispadana Republic broke out in August 1796, so that pedestal served as basis for the "Tree of Liberty".
At the end of 1700 the sacking of the Ducal Palace of Rivalta was taking place. In the park of that palace were some imposing statues representing the three main rivers of the Duchy: Panaro, Secchia and Crostolo.
The Municipality of Reggio Emilia obtained the ownership of the statues.
Two were moved and are still on the parapet of the San Pellegrino Bridge; the third (Crostolo) was moved into the town, as the seat on the well of the main square was vacant, April 14, 1802.