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Look and download many interesting videos about our territory!

video Reggio Emilia

Reggio Emilia logo YouTube


video Gualtieri

Gualtieri logo YouTube


video San Martino in Rio

San Martino in Rio logo YouTube


video Scandiano

Scandiano logo Facebook


video Novellara

Novellara logo Facebook


video Guastalla

Guastalla logo Facebook


video Castelnovo ne' Monti

Castelnovo ne' Monti logo Facebook


video Castellarano

Castellarano logo Facebook


Reggio Emilia economy and territory

Reggio Emilia Economy and Territory
video by the Chamber of Commercelogo YouTube


The art of Made in Italy

The heart of Made in Italy
Introduction to the wide area
video by Unindustria Reggio Emilia logo YouTube



Maramotti Collection
introduction video logo YouTube


video Aterballetto

Introduction video


video Il Sentiero Matilde

Via Matildica deel Volto Santo logo YouTube
along the Hiking Path of Matilda


Experience Canossa

Experience Canossa
Among history, nature and flavours logo YouTube


Road Italy

Road ItalyRai 1 broadcast of 20.06.2015
