Words, Words, Words
Opening times
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How to arrive
The work is on display in Reggio Emilia inside several culture venues.
A pattern that becomes the texture of a wallpaper involving symbolic places of Reggio Emilia as well as several schools of Reggio Emilia and its province.
The words resulting from the meetings and workshops held with women who have suffered - directly or indirectly - male violence have become part of the work: they are dense, important, severe words. The installation, a pattern, nevertheless plays on two levels. On one hand, those who enter Panizzi will see a colourful, joyful wall, with "pop" shapes and cheerful colors, on the other hand they will have a moment of surprise and amazement when reading what is written inside.
Info on the artist Elena Mazzi's web page
The project continues!
It is possible to purchase two art objects inspired from the work: the wallpaper and the pattern reproduced in fine art cm 50x70 in limited edition. The proceeds of the donations will be devoted to the Nondasola association