Cattini Palace (or Clock Palace)
Address and contacts
Phone 0039 0522 693296
Piazza e Corso Mazzini
How to get there
By car
Driving along the A22 Modena-Brennero motorway, exiting at the Carpi tollbooth and following the directions for Correggio (then following the SS468 towards the south);
using the A1 Milan - Bologna motorway, exiting at the Reggio Emilia tollbooth and following the signs for Carpi-Correggio (taking the SS468 in a northerly direction).
By train
The closer railway station to Correggio are Reggio Emilia (about 20 km) and Carpi (about 7 Km)
By bus
From Piazzale Europa - Reggio Emilia, bus n. 43 or 82
Historical notes
Upon it there is the big public clock with tower and bell, originally created in 1783, its mechanisms are now kept in the civic museum, and were replaced by electronic devices. Since 1923 at the palace foot, is situated a memorial, outstanding artwork by Leonardo Bistolfi.
The 19th century building has under its arcade a fresco dated 1671 representing the Passion. Remarkable is also the view you have from the palace.