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List of Restaurants, pizzerias, holiday farms

List of places to eat in Brescello

42041 Brescello
sito web Visit Brescello

Restaurants and pizzerias

Trattoria Don Camillo
AddressVia Argine Molino Caselle, 8
Phone 0522 962203
Email info@trattoriadoncamillo.it
sito web www.trattoriadoncamillo.it

Ristorante Pizzeria Dal Torre
Address Strada Viazza, 35
Phone 0522 962124
Mobile 348 1895410
Email dal_torre@yahoo.it
Website Ristorante Pizzeria Dal Torre

Weekly closure: Monday

Ristorante La tavernetta del Lupo
Address Piazza Pallini, 1 - Locality Sorbolo a Levante
Phone 0522 680509
Mobile 349 0916032

Email tavernetta.del.lupo@alice.it
Website www.latavernettadellupo.it
Weekly Closure: Monday

Trattoria La Bottega del Paese di Don Camillo
Address Via Cavallotti, 12
Phone 0522 684141
Mobile 348 8148199
Mobile 347 1525378
Email info@trattorialabottega.com
Website www.trattorialabottega.com

La Botte Golosa
Address Via Cavallotti, 43
Phone 0522 684193
Mobile 340 2959699

Email info@labottegolosa.it
Website www.labottegolosa.it
Weekly Closure: Monday and Tuesday morning (possible modifications for the summer season)

La Locomotiva Gastronomica
Address Via Cavallotti, 6
Phone 0522 1495366
Phone lalocomotiva@aol.com
Phone www.locomotivabrescello.it
Weekly Closure: Tuesday all day and Wednesday afternoon

Osteria La Golena
Address Via Ghiarole, 19/21 - Locality Ghiarole 
Phone 0522 687768
Mobile 335 1498530


Source: Visit Brescello